Daily, Monthly, and Annual Machine QA for LINACs
- Enhanced 3D Winston-Lutz (Isocenter Optimization) with Virtual Star Shot*
Automatically process a set of EPID Winston-Lutz images for a fast and accurate measurement of isocenter position. RIT’s version of this test allows you to use 3 to 16 images, and provides error estimates for ball setup and wobble around isocenter. Increased angle flexibility allows you to mimic more clinically relevant angles to determine isocenter at specific treatment configurations.
*US Patent 9192784, JP Patent 6009705, CA Patent 2918045, and other international patents pending.
- Stereotactic Alignment (2D Winston-Lutz) Test
- Stereotactic Cone Profiles
- Field Alignment
- Gibbs Cone Analysis
- TomoTherapy® Beam Planarity and Jaw Twist
- TomoTherapy® Overhead Laser Position Tool
- Import TomoTherapy® DICOM Film Files
- Import TomoTherapy® Calibration Files
- IGRT Alignment
Beam Measurements
- Fully-Automated Star Shot Analysis
RIT’s enhanced Star Shot beam detection routine has a fully-automated interface with robust and highly accurate artificial intelligence algorithms. Polarity, ROI, number of spokes, and spoke center are automatically extracted from the image and applied in the analysis.
- Radiation/Light Field Coincidence
- Asymmetric Field/Matchline
- Electron Energy (TG-25)
- Quick Flatness and Symmetry
- Water Tank Beam Measurement Analysis
- Depth Dose, Cross, and Orthogonal Profiles
- Isodose Contours
- Image Histogram
- 3D Dose Profile
TomoTherapy® is a registered trademark of Accuray, Inc.
Elekta LINAC
- Hancock Tests for Elekta Machines
The Hancock Tests (2-Image Test, 4-Image Test, and With Backup Jaw Test) use the Elekta iView™ imager to automatically measure leaf position vs. isocenter position, and jaw leaf setback measurements.
- Elekta Leaf Speed Test
This test aligns two images to analyze the consistency of the leaf speed for both Elekta iView™ and Agility™.
- EPID Picket Fence Test
This routine automates the classic picket fence test.
Varian LINAC
- Automated Varian RapidArc® Tests
Images may be taken at any distance from EPID, Film, or CR Images. This includes: Tests 0.1, 0.2, 1.1, 1.2, 2, and 3. RIT’s RapidArc QA routines support the Millennium 120, HD120 MLC, and Halcyon® MLC models.
- Varian Leaf Speed Test
Without the use of log files, this test measures the consistency and accuracy of Varian MLC leaf speeds as they move across an imager.
- Varian Halcyon® MLC Analysis
Perform a picket fence or comprehensive RapidArc® analysis of the Halcyon® MLC.
- EPID Picket Fence Test
This routine automates the classic picket fence test.
Other MLC Tests
- Bayouth MLC Analysis
Analyze MLCs that require leaf gaps between banks.
- Additional MLC Tests
These include: TG-50 Picket Fence Test, MSK Leaf Test, Varian DMLC Test Patterns, and MLC Transmission analysis.
iView™ and Agility™ are trademarks of Elekta AB. RapidArc® and Halcyon® are registered trademarks of Varian Medical Systems, Inc.
IMRT, IGRT & RapidArc®/VMAT Analysis

- Gamma Analysis
- Distance-to-Agreement (DTA)
- Profiles
- Van Dyk’s Analysis
- Subtraction
- Composite Analysis
- Isodose Curves
- Addition
- Centroid Measurement
- IGRT Alignment
- IMRT Fine-Tune Registration
- Bilinear Interpolation & Non-Cropping Rotation
- Proportion Passing Plot
- Save Case Files from IMRT Analysis Toolbars
- Save & Restore IMRT Layouts
- Plan-Based Calibration*
Make quick, relative comparisons between any dose map and your EPID, film, and CR images.
*Patents: EP 1683546, CA 2567197, JP 4366362, JP 4838161, US 7024026, US 7233688, US 7639851, and US 7680310.
2D Detector Array Analysis
- Import from 2D Arrays: Ion Chamber Arrays from IBA, PTW, and MapCHECK® diode arrays are supported. IMRT analysis routines have been revised to handle sparse data. Results can be saved as a RIT Array Case file.
Automated Image Fill for Anthropomorphic Phantom QA
- Use this function to automatically correct and fill any holes or cutouts in the image file. Perform patient QA with an anthropomorphic phantom for both calibrated and uncalibrated images.
Patient QA Image Registration
Dose Calibrations
- Perpendicular dose calibration
- Parallel dose calibration
- MLC calibration technique
(Patents: EP 1318857, CA 2418232, JP 3817176, US 6675116, US 6934653, and US 7013228)
- iView™ calibration
- Kodak CR (perpendicular and spatial calibrations),
- Optical density (OD) calibration
- Daily output factor adjustment for calibration curves.
- Scanner Spatial Calibration
The spatial calibration is not a dose conversion, but rather a means to determine the exact pixel size for the Vidar film scanner or flatbed scanner. This gives you the most accurate distance measurements.
- PDD Table Editor
- Calibration File Merge
MapCHECK® is a registered trademark of Sun Nuclear Corp.
Other Measurements
Film Dosimetry for QA
- Radiochromic and Radiochromic Film with Vidar and Flatbed Scanners
- Flatbed Non-Uniformity Correction
- Radiochromic Film Uniformity Correction
- Automated 21-Point Film Processor Correction
(Patents: EP 1252550, CA 2396952, JP 3817176, and US 6528803)
- Sensitometry
(Patents: EP 1252550, CA 2396952, JP 3817176, and US 6528803)
- 2D Scanner Spatial Calibration for Vidar and Flatbed Scanners
- Generic Image File Import
- Vidar Advantage Pro 180° Correction
- Vidar Scanner Interface (Vidar Scanner Control Center)
Computed Radiography (CR)
- 3D CR Flatness and Uniformity Correction
- Kodak CR Perpendicular Calibration
- Kodak CR Spatial Calibration
- Import EPID Images for QA
- EPID Calibration
- Elekta iView™ Calibration
- Scale DICOM Images from Varian EPIDs
General Features
- Image Compositor
- DICOM Anonymizer
- Pin Prick, Erase, and ROI Tools
- PDF reports for every analysis routine
- Cloud-based software licensing
- Support of 3D gels and solids