An impressive range of products

Radiological Imaging Technology

Machine QA MLC QA Patient QA Imaging QA



Sales & Product Information

+1(719)590-1077, Opt. 4
Visit RIT's Worldwide Sales Page

Technical Support

+1(719)590-1077, Opt. 1
Visit RIT's Tech Support Pages

Phone support hours are from 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM MST (15H30 - 00H00 GMT -7).

PLEASE NOTE: As of February 4th, 2025, RIT's software license manager, Flexera, has changed from using DigiCert to AWS for their CA security certificates. If you have a floating license, please CLICK HERE  to download the PDF document to the 4 certificates and import instructions. Please note that a login is required to access this page. 

Product Maintenance Program (PMP)

+1(719)590-1077, Opt. 3
Visit RIT's Product Maintenance Program Page

Software Training & Education

+1(719)590-1077, Opt. 7
Visit RIT's Training Pages

Billing & Accounting

+1(719)590-1077, Opt. 5
View Your Online Account Page

Marketing, Advertising, & Web

+1(719)590-1077, Opt. 6
Email or call us if you have questions about your experience on our website. As is customary in web development, we code our pages to operate within these standards:

  • All modern browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer 9 or later
  • A display resolution of 1024x768 or greater



RIT Headquarters

Radiological Imaging Technology, Inc.

5065 List Drive Main: +1 (719) 590-1077
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

GPS Coordinates: N38° 54.227'  W104° 51.343'
Elevation: 1956 meters