The single-vendor solution that performs or trends every image-based test recommended in TG-142 and MPPG 8.b
RITG142 enables you to use your EPID for many machine tests with confidence and ease for comprehensive QA in accordance with AAPM TG-142 and Medical Physics Practice Guideline (MPPG) 8.b. In addition, imaging QA phantoms are automatically scored with easy to use tracking and trending functions.
- IGRT Daily QA
- CBCT imaging for OBI and XVI
- Planar kV Imaging
- Planar MV (EPID) Imaging
- Enhanced 3D Stereotactic (Winston-Lutz) with Virtual Star Shot, optimizing SRS/SBRT delivery (US Patent 9192784, JP Patent 6009705, CA Patent 2918045 and other International Patents pending)
- MLC accuracy
- Radiation vs. Light Field (Regular and Asymmetrical)
This Radiation vs. Light Field routine measures how well radiation and light field positions coincide for conformance with TG-142 recommendations. The routine can make use of EPID images of the radiation field and can adapt to a variety of SIDs, asymmetric, and custom field sizes. Besides radiation-light field coincidence, the routine measures field symmetry and flatness, penumbra width, and field edge orthogonality in vertical and horizontal directions.
- Classic Star Shot Analysis
- Beam profiles / Flatness / Symmetry and more
Fully-Automated Star Shot Analysis
RIT’s film Star Shot beam detection routine has been completely re-designed and now features a fully-automated interface with more robust and accurate detection algorithms. A few key highlights include:
- Full Automation: Increase your efficiency and accuracy with RIT's one-click analysis of Star Shot images. The new algorithm removes pre-processing from your workflow, allowing for quicker acquisition of results. Polarity, ROI, number of spokes, and spoke center are all automatically extracted from the image, then applied in the analysis.
- Visualized Spoke Detection: Newly-added beam center overlays on the beam profile plots provide a clear indication of the automated routine’s performance.
- Artificial Intelligence: The re-designed routine utilizes sophisticated AI algorithms for even more accurate and reliable measurements. The AI obtains a 99% accuracy rate of spoke detection in a wide range of Star Shot images.
- Manual Override Option: If desired, the routine will also allow you to easily modify the settings to fine-tune the automated analysis by hand.

EPID Phantom Tests
- Constancy in 5 areas
- Resolution (MTF)
- Geometric Distortion
- Uniformity
- Contrast
- Noise
For users requiring both Machine & Patient QA, try 
The Best Source for Helical TomoTherapy® and Radixact® QA
RITG148+ is a precise, state-of-the-art, and comprehensive software built to perform all machine and imaging QA analyses for helical TomoTherapy®. Designed with the TG-148 report in mind, RITG148+ analyzes the standardized tests, including Static & Rotational Output Consistency, Jaw Centering & Alignment, Overhead Laser Positioning, Interrupted Treatment, and all others recommended for daily, monthly, and annual QA. RITG148+ also analyzes image quality, using the Tomotherapy Cheese phantom.
RITG148+ software's combination of powerful, robust routines in a user-friendly interface maximize the efficiency and precision of all measurements. For added convenience, users can easily create PDF reports for all routines, as well as export their data to the RITtrend™ database for large-scale analysis over time.
Recent Enhancements:
- Static Gantry and Helical Gantry Angle Invariance
The Static Gantry Angle and Helical Gantry Angle analyses have been revised to improve the rotational invariance. In RIT's updated software, rotation of these images is no longer needed.
- Increased Overhead Laser Flexibility
The Overhead Laser analysis can now handle smaller films in RIT's updated software. A full 12.8"x17" film is no longer required in order to perform this analysis.
Automated Machine QA Tests
Please note that bold text below indicates the test name according to Accuray, and the test name in parenthesis is the corresponding test name in TG-148.
- Beam Planarity and Jaw Twist (Y-Jaw Divergence/Beam Centering and Y-Jaw/Gantry Rotation Plane Alignment)
- MLC Twist and Center of Rotation (MLC Alignment)
- Jaw Symmetry (Treatment Field Centering)
- Couch Travel Distance (Couch Translation/Gantry Rotation)
- Overhead Laser Position (Laser Localization)
Overhead Laser analysis can now handle smaller films in RIT's updated software. A full 12.8"x17" film is no longer required in order to perform this analysis.
- Helical Gantry Angle (Gantry Angle Consistency)
This analysis has been revised to improve the rotational invariance. Rotation of images is no longer needed.
- Static Gantry Angle
- Interrupted Treatment
- IGRT Alignment
- Import TomoTherapy® DICOM Film Files
- Import TomoTherapy® Calibration Files
- Vidar TIFF Export
Image Quality Tests
- CT Number to Density
- Uniformity
- Resolution
- Contrast
- Noise
- Geometric Accuracy
- Geometric Distortion
- Crop images with Pin Prick, Erase and ROI tool
Built-In Features
- RITtrend™ statistical database for reporting and trending
- PDF reports for every analysis routine
For users requiring both Machine & Patient QA, try 
TomoTherapy® and Radixact® are registered trademarks of Accuray, Inc.
Assembled to coincide with recommended QA tasks outlined within TG-135, RITG135 is a new, dedicated software package for all CyberKnife® Machine QA. These automated routines and analyses ensure rapid results, without compromising measurement precision.
RITG135 includes analyses for the End-to-End, AQA, Iris, Laser Coincidence, and M6 MLC Tests. Designed to simplify and enhance current methods for performing these routine tasks, RITG135 provides a user-friendly interface with minimal user interaction, reducing the likelihood of errors and ensuring reproducible measurement templates. Automated film detection algorithms eliminate the need for manual manipulation or alignment of images, significantly reducing the time needed to perform these tests. Easily create PDF reports for either individual or combined routines, and export to our RITtrend™ database for simple tracking and trending of results over time.
Fully-Automated Machine QA Tests
- End-to-End Test:
- Ball Cube 2 phantom (Fully-automated; No film flipping or mirroring needed)
- Ball Cube phantom
- Mini Ball Cube phantom
- AQA Test
- IRIS Test
- Laser Coincidence Test
- Fully-Automated M6 MLC Test
Built-In Features
- RITtrend™ statistical database for reporting and trending
- PDF reports for every analysis routine
CyberKnife® is a registered trademark of Accuray, Inc.
Other Machine QA
RIT software makes a variety of Machine QA measurements easy, and supports the widest variety of image formats including EPID, film, and CR.
Machine QA routines include:
- Isodose Lines
- Asymmetric Field Matching
- Beam depth profiles, including PDD for photons and Electron Energy
- Various histograms and 3D dose profiles
- Importing water tank data for comparison
- Beam orthogonal profiles including FWHM, penumbras, flatness and symmetry
- Gibbs Cone Analysis (Pictured)
This routine measures the cone wobble when using a single cone (repeated), or cone center shift when using multiple cones. This provides an accurate test of either the cone wobble, collimator walkout (if the collimator is rotated during the test), or both.
Product Description:
All of RIT's therapy products in one convenient and comprehensive package.
The ideal software package for:
Medical physicists that perform various types of QA/QC measurements on a variety of machines, including both linear accelerators and imaging devices.
Quality Assurance:
Patient QA | Machine QA | MLC QA | Imaging QA
Product Description:
The original RIT product package that combines Machine QA (including MLC QA) and Patient QA.
The ideal software package for:
Medical physicists that require a single QA software solution for their linear accelerator(s) and for intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) procedures.
Quality Assurance:
Patient QA | Machine QA | MLC QA
Product Description:
A package specifically-designed to perform every imaging and machine QA test required in TG-142.
The ideal software package for:
Medical physicists that need to thoroughly and accurately complete daily, monthly, and annual QA on their linear accelerator(s).
Quality Assurance:
Machine QA | MLC QA | Imaging QA
Product Description:
A comprehensive test suite for helical TomoTherapy® machines, in accordance with TG-148.
The ideal software package for:
Medical physicists and/or centers that use only a TomoTherapy® or Radixact™ machine, performing daily, monthly, and annual QA.
Quality Assurance:
Machine QA | Imaging QA
Product Description:
A comprehensive test suite for CyberKnife® and all robotic radiosurgery, in accordance with TG-135.
The ideal software package for:
Medical physicists and/or centers that use a only a CyberKnife® machine, specifically one with an M6 collimator, performing daily, monthly, and annual QA.
Quality Assurance:
Machine QA | MLC QA
Product Description:
RIT’s basic film analysis package for patient QA and partial machine QA measurements.
The ideal software package for:
Medical physicists that require a single software solution for film dosimetry and basic QA.
Quality Assurance:
Patient QA | Machine QA (Partial) | MLC QA (Partial)