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RunQueueA Batch Analysis


Perform fast, consistent batch analysis
with an automated QA checklist.


Within the RIT Family of Products, RunQueueA provides a scripting interface for you to automate your Patient QA analyses. Automated batch analysis takes advantage of the fact that most users have a small set of routines they follow when performing Patient QA analysis, by 'pre-setting' most of their settings and capturing those settings in a 'script' that can be automatically run. RunQueueA also utilizes registration and calibration shortcuts provided by some acquired image modalities, such as EPID and detector arrays.

The goals of this automation feature are:

  • To reduce the amount of time to perform routine Patient QA analysis.
  • To improve the uniformity of analyses by automating steps where users would need to manually edit values (e.g. ROIs, normalization points).
  • To streamline the consistency of analyses between multiple users at the same site or between sites, within the same organization.
  • To reduce the amount of training required to run the analyses. For example, this enables a lead physicist to set up the script and have other personnel run the data acquisition and analysis.


1. One-Time Setup

Create reusable analysis protocols, checklists, and reporting scripts for your patient QA.

2. Execute RunQueueA

Select a large set of images to create a batch. Next, execute one a pre-established protocols to automatically generate reports.

3. Automatic Analysis

In seconds, each field of the IMRT plan will be analyzed automatically. For example, RunQueueA  allows you to analyze each field of a 9-field IMRT Plan in 27 seconds.*  You may then view the RunQueueA report summary. *Varian aS500 EPID & Pinnacle image set.